Another reason for my renewed interest in the hobby is my fourteen year old son, Jimmy. He has always been a train nut, but recently his interests and skills have been rapidly maturing. I can't say how much fun it is to share this hobby with him at this age. My own father, also a model railroader died suddenly when I was 11, leaving me with a half finished layout that filled our basement. I have fond memories of the time we did spend together working on trains, but there is also a sadness about the times that we would have had, and probably still would have been having sharing our hobby. To give you an idea about how deep railroading is imbedded in my DNA - both my Grandfathers were avid model railroaders. It's funny that about a half an hour ago I was looking for my Walthers Catalog only to finally realize that my son must have taken it to bed with him.
Despite having a fair amount of layout built we intend on expanding the trackage significantly. It will involve the following:
- Completing all the structures, lighting, and scenery on the present portions of the layout.
- Adding a 8x9 section to the layout that will solely be a Steel Mill
- Adding a 3x14 section to the layout that will be a yard, passenger depot, and city
- Adding a connecting line to the elevated coal dock on the existing layout's port district
- Adding a connecting line from the main to the steel mill
- Switching the entire layout over to DCC
The latter task, DCC will involve reworking a fair amount of the track work on the existing section as it is mostly Shinohara Code 70. The connecting line for the steel mill will be a 20' track with a 2% grade - this is necessary as the existing layout surface is only about 18" from my low basement ceiling (old house) The steel mill will have a blast furnace about 28" high so I need to build that section 10" lower. A note on prototype - my previous railroads have all followed specific railroads and locations, however, with this layout, the locations are fictional, although at times inspired by real locations. The era modeled is the late 1950s. There is no specific railroad modeled as I didn't want to place to many constraints on this layout with my son involved. We are keeping our rolling stock prototypical as far as the era but running locomotives from a variety of roads. New York Central dominates, although there is a smattering of Anthracite railroads and also the dreaded Pennsy.
STEEL MILL - Although I'm looking forward to all the work on the layout, I am most looking forward to modeling the steel mill. This has been a dream of mine since college. As I refine the design I've come to the realization that it will be better to limit the mill to portraying parts of the hot side of the mill, namely one, possible two blast furnaces, and some open hearth buildings. There will also be a variety of ancillary structures. Much of the mill however will be represented by staging tracks. The showcase of this portion will be the Blast Furnace. Originally I was going to get a Walther's Kit and use that, however, as I am not about to pay $500 on ebay for one, I'm going to scratch build it. The prototype in this case is Bethlehem Steel's A Furnace at there Bethlehem plant. This is a smaller furnace that fits better on a layout - it was originally built in the 1920's and then rebuilt in the 50's and used well into the 60's. It's an interesting, compact structure. I began to scale the furnace from photos I took and online photos, I was close in my measurements, but the photos didn't show much of the furnace, so that would have been a guess. I ended up purchasing a plan set from Mike Rabbit for around $60. While initially hesitant because of the price, these plans are well worth it.
WEEKEND UPDATE - No work on the layout, but Saturday we stopped in a Sattler's in Westmont, NJ. Jimmy purchased an Athern Genesis F-7 (New York Central) a nicely done and nicely running loco. I spoke to a fellow model railroader about DCC - he told me to look into the system he used, Easy DCC . I like what I saw and I am considering it. Two other customers chimed in that they used Digitrax but both said the system is very complicated and the manuals are difficult to understand - something I'd heard before. Currently it looks like we are trying to figure out what to use - Easy DCC, Digitrax, or the MRC Prodegy Squared. After Sattler's we headed down to Cape May to help my brother remodel his house. On the way down we stopped at Tuckahoe Station and took the above photo of some of the equipment there. We also stopped at the South Jersey Railroad Museum, also in Tuckahoe. This is actually a model railroad type club with at least a half dozen operating layouts - One standard gauge Lionel, two O Scale Lionel. One American Flyer, One N-Scale, Two HO layouts, an O-Scale scale layout, and a few assorted module sections here and there. Most of the layouts are semi-complete and the emphasis is on toy-trains. Never the less, a nice bunch of guys. I picked up two older magazines there I had been looking for. One of the modules at the club portrayed a highway overpass bridge that carried the line to Cape May from Tuckahoe over a highway at Woodbine - I'd never seen it before so we located it about ten minutes from the museum and took a few pics. It's another busy week, but we hope to get to some benchwork by the end of the week.
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