Thursday, July 12, 2012


I have about 85% of the oven front structure complete and all the brickwork is in place on the top deck of the coke ovens.  For the doors themselves I wanted a bit more detail than those found in the Walther's kit, which are basically a copy of the Dean Freytag scratchbuilt coke oven.  My other concern was being able to repeat the door details perfectly over 65 doors.  And the time involved was another worry.  Resin cast doors mostly solve all these problems so I made a master. I roughly based the door on the Kopple type found at Thomas Coke, but did use some thicker sections and also left out some details that would have been too fine.  Here is the master

The mold,....

And the castings

These aren't glued in, just sitting there for effect.  Ultimately they would be centered better and also I will add a linkage rod of brass wire or plastic rod between the two locking mechanisms.

Casting 65 of these plus the six spare doors would take about 15 nights at a rate of 5 per.   Instead I've cast five doors and will clean them up well and make a mold of these five.  That way I can cast five at a time and move along at a more rapid pace.  


Stan Knotts said...

Nice work you cast master.

Stan Knotts said...

Nice work you cast master.